Struggle with laziness -Five ways to deal with laziness. Gearing up for the vibrant life!
Struggle with laziness -Five ways to deal with laziness. Gearing up for the vibrant life!

Struggle With Laziness - Autogenic Training

Do you remember how many times you have promised yourself to start doing morning exercises or visit gym as often as possible? And how many of these promises have been broken?

how to get rid of your laziness Here are 5 easy ways how to get rid of your laziness which will help you to find your own positive wave!

The reason for this is obvious. It is your own laziness. Despite the fact that modern life demands a lot of time we still have at least one hour of free time every day. However, very few of us are trying to use this spare time to keep fit and make our health better. We [refer to spend it on watching television or browsing the net sitting in an armchair. We play video games and watch useless TV shows and soap operas. All this is a trap that was made by our laziness. She doesn’t want us to be healthy and fit. As a result we carelessly spend all our free time on different things which are of no use. It can lead to the worsening of your mood and negative emotions. In addition you should also keep in mind that laziness is one of our main weaknesses. It stops us from reaching the highest results.

How To Deal With Laziness?

Of course, you should take into consideration the fact, that it is not so easy to get rid of laziness. However you can follow these 5 easy steps in order to give your spirit a boost of energy:

1. Try to do physical exercises as often as possible. You will feel the rush of adrenalin and positive emotions. You will feel a great difference between feeling after a couple of exercises and relaxation which can lead to tiredness. Don’t forget to move all the time.

2. Try to immerse yourself in thoughts about your active way of spending time. You will remember how it is pleasant to swim in the see of skiing in the mountains. Compare those feelings with those you are having at the moment.

3. Imagine how pleasant it will be to take a shower after physical training.

4. Close your eyes and massage your eye balls using three figures on both of your hands. After you are finished you should massage the back side of your neck and train your feet.

5. In case you have a chance to lie down you should lift your legs for 10times in a row. It will help your blood to reach the upper parts of your body. Than wave your hands actively from side to side and activate your energetic points. After that you will get a chance to forget about your laziness and the fact that you are tired and exhausted.

In Case You Want To Get Rid Of Your Laziness Once And For All Here Is A Nice And Easy Poem.

You will surely start feeling yourself better after you read it loud.

Laziness is passing by

Now I feel that I’m alive

I’m becoming even stronger

I’m not tired any longer!

I can move as fast as lightening

And I feel that I’m almighty

I have energy inside

I can win the hardest fight!

I feel strength in all my body

I don’t want to behave naughty

Sports and movements are my goal

Nothing is impossible!

All the pain has disappeared

And it doesn’t feel so weird

Now I feel that I’m alive

Laziness is passing by!

In conclusion here is another secret – laziness is very often caused by overeating. The best way to get rid of it is pay a lot of attention to permanent physical exercises as well as healthy food.

★ Struggle with laziness - autogenic training

Struggle with laziness - autogenic training - Russian version

Struggle with laziness - autogenic training - Chinese version

Struggle with laziness -Five ways to deal with laziness. Gearing up for the vibrant life!
Five ways to deal with laziness. Gearing up for the vibrant life!