Autogenic Training For Women - Confidence and Beauty
Women and God have the same wishes.
Confident Beauty Is A Perfect Weapon.
Many of you have surely seen such brilliant Russian films as “In Love at her own will” and “The most charming and attractive”. If you saw these masterpieces you have noticed, that both of the main heroines pay a lot of attention to autogenic training, which eventually helps them to reach their final goal. However despite the fact these films are comedies, such kind of method can be really effective. You can use self inspiring and different exercises in everyday life and see with your own eyes the fact that they will help you to succeed. In addition such kind of training is available to everyone and absolutely free of charge.
It is very difficult to be a woman, Cause you have to deal with men. © Joseph Conrad
It is well-known that women face much more difficulties during their lives in comparison with men, who shifted them with lots of tasks and household work. In addition our beautiful ladies have to pay a lot of attention to their appearance in rider to have a perfect look. All this calls for additional source of energy, wisdom and self confidence.
In case you want to trust in your own strength and power and achieve success, you should try to repeat this easy poem every morning. It will help you to feel your own beauty, strength and charm:
Attractive and dangerous
And loved by all men
My beauty is natural
I’m sweet like a jam
My confidence kills
My wisdom reveals
My powers increase
I like to take risks
Attractive and dangerous
And loved by all men
My beauty is natural
I’m sweet like a jam
I’m skillful and nice
I’ll help by advice
I’m eager to love
I’m gentle as dove
Attractive and dangerous
And loved by all men
My beauty is natural
I’m sweet like a jam
A child of the Sun
I’m cheerful and fun
I’ll save you from cold
And never let fall
Attractive and dangerous
And loved by all men
My beauty is natural
I’m sweet like a jam
You should keep in mind that this nice auto training is only an addition to a hard inner work. However according to numerous responses, this poem has a very strong effect and helps to concentrate on your natural benefits and abilities. But the main advantage of this training is the fact that it helps to be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
Women were created for Love and Beauty. These two features are the most powerful creating weapon in the whole universe. It can’t be measured as well as understood. It is the mighty force of nature. Oscar Wilde said:
Women are created for Love, but not for being understood.
Always keep in mind that you deserve happiness, but you have to fight for it every day of your life.
★ Confidence and Beauty - Training for Women
Confidence and Beauty - Training for Women - Russian version
Confidence and Beauty - Training for Women - Chinese version