Declaration of Love. Say I Love You! - From This Page Using
And a Little Bit About Love Again...
"Love – a fairyland ..."
In our turbulent age, when many of the ideals have faded, only the real love remains aloof from the daily hustle and brutal struggle for pelf. Sincere love is multifaceted and unlimited; it ennobles the soul with its soft glow and eases the severity of life... But no need to tell – he, who has ever loved in this life, knows everything about it.
Love Is Impossible Without Sincerity
Unfortunately, even truly loved people hear less and less words of love - in our callous time such confessions have become something shameful or too ostentatious expressions of feelings. But it is so nice to hear simple "I love you..." regardless whether this magic spell, which helps humanity to remain on the face of the planet, is told the first or the hundredth time.
But to make sure that such confession does not become a formal phrase, as is often the case in modern everyday life, we must stop for a moment, think about a loved one and feel the depth of our own feelings. To accomplish this, it is best to relax, looking in silence at any positive image. Are you ashamed to confess your love? Send a link to this site to your loved one, and everything will fall into place.
Love Is in The Soul
Often shallow expressions of love are not the evidence of a serious deep feeling. One does not scream about true love at all crossroads; in most cases, this precious natural remedy requires solitude and silence. And when two lovers at the same time think about their feelings for each other, then their psychic energy can merge, and it will help to fully understand the bright splendor of this amazing phenomenon.
And how nice it is to know, being away from a loved one, that he, too, at this moment is thinking about you. Skype or ICQ is not suitable to convey a powerful message of love - in this case only spiritual connection of the hearts, which can be achieved through silence and self-absorption, will help.
Love Is a Mutual Blessing
We spend a lot of time on the computer. And there is no time for love - unfortunately, on the web all the feelings are digitized and permeated with cynicism. But if we stop and think for a moment, we can realize a simple thing – in order to love and be loved, we have to selflessly care about the object of our love, giving all our energies for the benefit of that dear person.
It is only after several minutes of deep immersion in ourselves, we can realize how little we are able to do for the sake of this beautiful feeling...
And the words of the Wizard from "Ordinary Miracle" come to mind:
‘For the sake of love, the poor and unarmed people throw the kings from their thrones. Because of the love for the homeland, the soldiers trample the death, and it runs without looking back. The sages climb into the sky and throw themselves to hell for the love of truth. What have you done for the love to a girl?’
Think about it now - what have you done personally for the sake of your love?
After that, try to approach your loved one and just say,
‘By the way, I do not remember if I have said it already or not – I love you...’
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